Having begun morning worship services in 2005, Grace and Peace is an established OPC congregation in central St. Mary’s County, Maryland, committed to meeting the spiritual needs of our Southern Maryland communities with the resources of the historic Christian faith.  

Grace and Peace is a growing church, having gone from an original group of six couples to a worshiping congregation of more than 25 households.

One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism
Our ancient roots are in the church of the earliest followers of Jesus: (One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism)

Our beliefs and worship are rooted in the ancient Christian faith; in the church of the earliest followers of Jesus. We believe that the historic Christian faith—the faith communicated in the Holy Scriptures—is both completely true and powerfully life changing.

We are committed to those ancient statements of the Christian faith known as the “ecumenical confessions”—the Nicene Creed and the Definition of Chalcedon.

We also are committed to what is known as the Reformed theological tradition through our subscription to the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms (documents produced in the 17th century at Westminster Abbey in London).

We are affiliated with the Mid-Atlantic Presbytery of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church.

Reformation Leaders
Our immediate historical roots are in the Reformation of the Roman Catholic Church in the 16th Century.

At Grace & Peace Presbyterian Church we wholeheartedly believe the classic Christian tenet that humanity was created to enjoy a vital relationship with God; in the words of St. Augustine’s prayer, “You have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.”

The central Christian message, historically called the gospel (or “good news”), is that through Jesus Christ it is possible to have this personal connection of peace and rest in God. We believe that the perfect life and atoning death of Jesus in our place makes us right with God and leads to the healing of all other relationships.

At Grace & Peace Church we believe that life can be lived to the fullest only when the gospel is warmly embraced and then practically lived out day-to-day.